Huzzah! The holy war is over! Your oppressors have been vanquished, the churches of the Old God lay in ruin and thousands of innocent people have been murdered! But it's not all good news; the tyrant Heavenly Peter has escaped your clutches, and you have been tasked with finding him…
The Procession to Calvary is a Pythonesque adventure game in which you journey through a richly detailed landscape built from hundreds of Renaissance paintings.
Key Features:
Pointing and Clicking: A traditional point and click interface, with a 'verb coin' interaction menu and a simple inventory from which you can access your preciously hoarded items
Renaissance Artwork: Paintings by Rembrandt, Botticelli, Michelangelo and many more are brought together into one consistent world
Classical Music: A soundtrack selected to fit with the style of the artwork. Enjoy music from composers such as Vivaldi, Bach, and George Frideric Handel
Optional Murder: Kill anyone who stands in your way and skip puzzles you don’t like. But be warned; your actions might come back to haunt you…
Nonsense: But rest assured, while some of the jokes may be ridiculous, the puzzles make perfect sense!
Product Code: 3760328370601
Brand: Red Art Games
Product Condition: New

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