
At The Game Sanctum, we’re always looking for ways to expand and provide even more for our fellow gamers and gifters. After some careful consideration, research and many test purchases, we’re excited to announce that we’re slowly introducing pre-owned products directly to our website.
But let’s be clear—we’re taking things step by step. We’re only launching a select range of pre-owned items because we want to ensure everything is just right. Whether it’s a nostalgic game you’ve been chasing down or a cleaned up retro console ready for another round of fun, our aim is to deliver top-quality gear (and value) at a fair price.
You may notice we’re avoiding the term “refurbished.” That’s intentional. The word “refurbished” can mean a lot of different things depending on who’s using it. Some places toss around the term around and fail to even wipe the surface level dust. We're not grading our pre-owned items yet. Again, every company has their own opinion on grading. For now, we're sticking with one grade.
While we aren't outright "refurbishing" products just yet, rest assured that every pre-owned item we stock will be professionally cleaned externally and tested to meet our standards:
This is going to include a major wipe down externally using professional wipes, sprays and drying wipes to ensure screens are clear and dust free, plastics are clean and mark free and fans are air blasted as thoroughly as possible.
We want your feedback too! If there’s a particular product you’d love to see us offer or if you have thoughts on what makes a pre-owned item worth picking up, we’re all ears. Your input helps us shape The Game Sanctum into a place where quality and community come together.
So, stay tuned as we roll out our pre-owned products over time. Whether it’s the latest releases or those hidden gems, you can trust we’re bringing you pre-owned items done right.
Got ideas? Email me directly
"I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite gaming store on the internet"